
Get started for free!

Easily add FIDO-certified strong authentication to your app or website.


Free Up to 3,000 MAU*

No credit card required


Additional MAU over 3000: $0.005/MAU

Ready when you are



Fully customize for your needs

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How are we able to offer a free OpenSaaS package?

We understand startups. We are proud to dedicate a portion of our revenue to supporting other startups, nonprofits and charities. We call this program “OpenSaaS”. The more revenue LoginID generates, the more we reinvest into our OpenSaaS infrastructure. Think of it as paying forward to the startup community.

The OpenSaaS plan gives you FIDO-certified strong authentication compliant with PSD2 and GDPR data protection laws, along with transaction confirmation. Under this plan, you get access to shared resources in the developer community and can take advantage of idle CPU time to authenticate your users - free.

Are you a business looking for guaranteed uptime and throughput?
Check out our Startup plan or Contact Us ⟶

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